About Us

The Prone Cushion Story

Did it ever cross your mind how we have dedicated devices for distinct postures in our lives?

For sitting, we have chairs; for sleeping, we have beds and pillows. And these have all evolved alongside the course of mankind's history. We went from sitting on simple tree stumps to $1,800 office chairs like the Herman Miller Aeron. And from sleeping in our partner's arms, we now have high-end memory foam sleeping pillows that cost hundreds of dollars. 

But what about proning, a.k.a. lying on our stomach?


We lie down in our lives as often as we sit or sleep, but there has never been a dedicated device to aid this.  Moreover, with the pandemic and the increasing trend of work-from-home, virtual reality, and the metaverse, the amount of time we spend lying down has gone up significantly.

Just like how sitting without a proper chair or sleeping without a proper bed can be agonizing, lying down without the proper support can get uncomfortable; causing strains on the back, neck, and shoulders. If proning is a posture that we already do every day in our lives and is a naturally therapeutic posture, why not adopt and take advantage of it?

We saw tremendous potential in the lie-down posture. And to allow everyone to be comfortable while doing this, we created the Prone Cushion. 

Of the Prone. By the Prone. For the Prone.

Xi Huang - Founder and CEO


Years of development

From its conception to production, we spent over 3 years to perfect the Prone Cushion; down to its very last detail.


Design iterations

To create the Prone Cushion exactly the way we had envisioned, over 20+ design interations were made. Every decision we made - from the density of the foam, to the quality of the fabric - was purposeful & mindful.

May 2019

The beginning of the Prone Cushion story

July 2019

Design & Engineering

June 2020


May 2021

Design Changes

May 2022

Launching the Prone Cushion on Kickstarter

January 2023

Bringing the Prone Cushion to market

Comfort Space Co. 

Our company operates under the firm belief that comfort should be a basic human right. In everything we do, we strive to make our lives just a bit better, a bit more comfortable. Whether it's through ergonomically designed products to provide physical comfort or psychologically calming apparatus for calamity, it is our mission to make your lives more comfortable. To enable you to create your very own "comfort space" - a haven for your mind and body - with our products; that's why we do what we do.